Patient Feedback
We welcome your feedback and suggestions on how we can improve our service.
Mental health inpatient surveIn-hospital Feedback
If you are a patient currently in hospital with a complaint or a concern, we encourage you to discuss this with any staff member.
If you have had a positive experience with one of our staff, we are interested in hearing about this also. We encourage patients to express positive experiences during their admission and be able to raise any concerns or ideas.
Consumer Focus Groups
Consumer Focus groups are facilitated on a fortnightly basis by a member of North West Private Hospital's Consumer and Carer Committee. These meetings provide another opportunity to give your feedback on our staff, services and facilities. Session times are displayed on the inpatient group program timetable.
Post-Discharge Survey
Approximately two weeks after your discharge you will be emailed a copy of our Patient Experience Survey. The feedback you provide helps us to know what we are doing well, staff we should recognise, and how we can improve our service for all patients and their visitors.
We appreciate your time to complete the survey and provide us with valuable feedback about our service.
General Feedback
For general feedback and enquiries, please Contact Us using the enquiry form provided.